Moonsighting for Ramadan 1442
1442 AH

Saudi Arabia Supreme Court announced that on Sunday, April 11,2021, the Ramadan moon was not sighted. Therefore, 1st day of Ramadan will be on April 13, Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 13 is the first day of Ramadan, as announced by the Juristic Office of the Institution of His Eminence, the late Religious Authority, Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah (ra), that issued a statement concerning the beginning of the month of Ramadan, 1442H.

Al urjoonul qadeem of Sha'ban 1442: April 11 & April 10, 2021

On right is the old Crescent Moon of Sha'ban 1442 seen on Saturday, 10th April 2021 as seen by Muhammad Abubakar Said from Mombasa kenya.

New Crescent Moon of Ramadan 1442:
The Astronomical New Moon (conjunction) is on April 12, 2021 (Monday) at 2:31 UT.
On April 12, the moon may be seen in North and South America with difficulty, and with better visibilty in Hawaii and Polynesian Islands.

The earliest reported sighting of the new crescent was on ......... from ...................

April 12, 2021 (Monday):

  • Australia:

    1. Not Seen: MCW member Dr Shabbir Ahmed, President of Qubaa association of Western Sydney, NSW reported: Today (Monday) 12th of April 2021, the Hilaal of RAMADAAN 1442 has NOT been sighted anywhere in Australia. Therefore, the National Hilaal Committee members of Australia have declared that the month of RAMADAAN 1442 will begin from Wednesday, 14th of April 2021. RAMADAAN MUBAARAK TO ALL

    2. Not Seen: MCW member Falcon Raja, from Sydney, NSW reported: In Auburn Sydney NSW Australia tried to observe the moon from Sunset to 5:55PM Mon 12 Apr 2021 AET. It was clear weather. Horizon was red with the hue. I was unable to see the moon.

  • Indonesia:

    1. Not Seen: MCW member AR Sugeng Riyadi from Rowasiya Observatory reported: The new crescent of Ramadhan 1442 AH was NOT SIGHTED on Monday, April 12, 2021 from Assalaam Observatory, Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo Central Java Indonesia, the west sky was cloudy. The observation was closed for public amid to COVID-19 pandemic.
      The internal team member of Assalaam observatory started the observation at 17.00 Western Indonesian Time (UTC+7). All of the optical equipment were connected to the streaming device, for broadcasting via Youtube channel of Assalaam Observatory. (
      The observation was led by the chair of the astronomy center at Assalaam, Mr. AR Sugeng Riyadi. A number of team member including Mr. Purnomo, Mr. Taufiq, Mrs. Tri Ratna were helping the chair to handle the observation equipment.
      The summary of the observation results is presented in the following notes: Assalaam Observatory, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. (AR Sugeng Riyadi, Purnomo, Taufiq Hidayat, Nanang Zaenuddin, Sirikit EU, Tri Ratna, Mila Rosyta, and Team). The crescent was not seen due to the cloudy sky and low altitude of hilal.

      The crescent was sighted as reported from LFNU of East Java. And... according to this report, on ithbat council by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia declare that 1 Ramadhan 1442 AH will start on Tuesday, April 13rd, 2021. Remark: This is erroneous sighting. They saw something else. The moon was not on their horizon

April 13, 2021 (Tuesday):

1st Day of Ramadan in all Countries (updated when more information is available)
????Afghanistan (Follow Saudi)
????Albania (Follow Saudi)
????Algeria (Follow
April 13, 2021Angola (follow Turkey)
????Armenia (Follow Saudi)
????Australia (Lebanese & Turkish communities follow Saudi)
????Australia (Indian and Pakistani community follow Local Sighting)
????Austria (Follow Saudi)
????Azerbaijan (Follow Saudi)
????Bahrian (Follow Saudi)
????Bangladesh (Follow annoncement from any Muslim country)
????Bangladesh (Official Announcement)
????Barbados (Local Sighting)
????Belgium (Follow Saudi)
????Bolivia (Follow Saudi)
April 13, 2021Bosnia and Hercegovina (Follow Turkey)
????Brunei (Local Sighting)
????Bulgaria (Follow Saudi)
????Burkina Faso (Follow Saudi)
????Canada (Toronto Hilal Committee)
April 13, 2021Canada (FCNA/ISNA - Fiqh Council of North America/Islamic Society of North America)
????Chechnia (Follow Saudi)
????Chile (Local Sighting)
????China (Following
????China (Local Sighting)
????Colombia (Follow Chile sighting)
April 13, 2021Croatia (Follow Turkey)
????Dagestan (Local Sighting)
????Denmark (Follow Saudi)
April 13, 2021Egypt - Moon Born before sunset & moon sets at least 5 minutes after sunset
????Fiji Islands (Local Sighting)
????Finland (Follow Saudi)
????France (UOIF - Union of the Islamic Organizations of France)
April 13, 2021France (CFCM - French Council of Muslims) Altitude > 5�, elongation > 8�
????Georgia (Follow Saudi)
April 13, 2021Germany (ECFR - European Council for Fatwa and Research - Somewhere on the globe Altitude > 5�, elongation > 8�)
????Ghana (Local Sighting)
????Guyana (Local Sighting)
????Hungary (Follow Saudi)
????Iceland (Follow Saudi)
April 13, 2021India - Hijri Committee of India
????India (Local Sighting)
????Indonesia (Official Announcement)
????Indonesia (Local Sighting)
????Iran (Local Sighting)
????Iraq (Sunnis Follow Saudi)
April 13, 2021Ireland (ECFR - European Council for Fatwa and Research - Somewhere on the globe Altitude > 5�, elongation > 8�)
????Italy (Follow Saudi)
????Japan (Follow Saudi)
????Jordan (Follow Saudi)
????Kazakhstan (Follow Saudi)
????Kenya (Local Sighting)
April 13, 2021Kosovo (Follow Turkey)
????Kuwait (Follow Saudi)
????Kyrgizstan (Follow Saudi)
????Lebanon (Follow Saudi)
????Libya (Official Announcement)
April 13, 2021Luxembourg (ECFR - European Council for Fatwa and Research - Somewhere on the globe Altitude > 5�, elongation > 8�)
April 13, 2021Macedonia (Follow Turkey)
????Madagascer (Local Sighting)
????Malawi (Local Sighting)
????Malaysia (Official Announcement)
????Mauritania (Follow Saudi)
????Mauritius (Local Sighting)
April 13, 2021Montenegro (Follow Turkey)
????Morocco (Local Sighting)
????Mozambique (Local Sighting)
????Namibia (Local Sighting)
????Netherlands (Follow Saudi)
????New Zealand (Local Sighting or follow Australia)
????Nigeria (Local Sighting)
????Norway (Islamic Council of Norway - follow annoncement from any Muslim country
????Norway (Some follow Saudi)
????Oman (Local Sighting)
???? Pakistan (Local Sighting)
????Palestine (Follow Saudi)
????Peru (Local Sighting)
????Philippines (Follow Saudi)
????Poland (Calculation)
????Qatar (Follow Saudi)
????Romania (Follow Saudi)
????Russia (Follow Saudi)
????Saudi Arabia (Local Sighting - Official Announcement)
April 13, 2021Serbia (Follow Turkey)
????Senegal (Local Sighting)
????Singapore (Follow Saudi)
April 13, 2021Slovania (Follow Turkey)
????South Africa (Local Sighting)
????South Korea (Local Sighting)
????Spain (Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (, Islamic Commission of Spain)
????Sri Lanka (Local Sighting)
????Sudan (Follow Saudi)
????Suriname (News from Guyana if not seen in Suriname)
????Sweden (Follow Saudi)
????Switzerland (Follow Saudi)
????Syria (Follow Saudi)
????Taiwan (Follow Saudi)
????Tajikistan (Follow Saudi)
????Tanzania (Local Sighting)
????Tatarstan (Follow Saudi)
????Thailand (Announcement)
????Togo (Follow Saudi)
????Trinidad & Tobago (Local Sighting)
????Tunisia (Criteria of age, or sunset-moonset lag)
April 13, 2021Turkey (Elongation > 8� & Altitude > 5� anywhere) = Possibility of telescopic sighting
????Turkmenistan (Follow Saudi)
????U.A.E. (Follow Saudi)
????Uganda (Local Sighting)
????UK (Follow Saudi)
????UK [Coordinated by Major Islamic Centres and Mosques of London]
????UK [Wifaaqul ulama), (Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat], OR (Sighting from countries east of UK)
April 13, 2021USA (FCNA/ISNA - Fiqh Council of North America/Islamic Society of North America)
????USA (Local Sighting)
????Uzbekistan (Follow Saudi)
????Yemen (Follow Saudi)
????Zambia (Local Sighting)
????Zimbabwe (Local Sighting)

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