Moonsighting for Ramadan 1434
1434 AH

For moonsighting lovers and sky watchers, an advanced telescope is perfect for astronomy viewing.

We are very happy to announce that we have just received photographs of Hilal of Ramadan 1434 taken on 8th July 2013 at Tahiti, French Polynesia (Courtesy of This confirms our calculations and our visibility predictions.

Offical Announcement by the High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia is: Since the moon of Ramadhaan was not sighted this evening, here in Saudi Arabia, we shall be completing thirty (30) days of Sha'baan 1434, and 1st Ramadan is on July 10, 2013.

Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah: The beginning of the month of Ramadan 1434 H. is on Tuesday, July 09 in most regions of the world. The Juristic Committee of the Institution of His Eminence, the Religious Authority (Lebanon), Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah, announced.

Most Mosques in China: are following a criteria that they will follow New Macca Calender, and China traditional calender, and have dicided that July 9, 2013 is first day of Ramadam. So far, there is no authoritative authority like Figh councel about crescent and Ramadam in China.

Dublin-based European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) announced that 1st of Ramadan 1434 will be Tuesday, July 9, 2013. This is based on calculation criteria that there must be the possibility of crescent sighting by naked eye or telescope on any place on earth. To accept the possibility crescent sighting in any place on earth the following conditions must exist:
a) The moon must set after sunset in the place where sighting is possible.
b) The elevation of the crescent must be at least 5 degrees.
c) The elongation between the sun and moon must be at least 8 degrees.

The Astronomical New Moon is on July 8, 2013 (Monday) at 7:14 UT. On July 8, it can not be seen any continent, but it is possible to be seen in Polynesian Islands. On Tuesday, July 9, 2013, it can be seen in Australia, most Africa and all Americas. On July 9, with diffuculty, it can be seen in Southern India, Middle East, and Northern Africa. (See visibility curves).

Sighting Reports

The earliest reported sighting of the new crescent was on July 8, 2013 from Tahiti, French Polynesia.

Monday, 8 July 2013:

  • Brunei:

    1. Not Seen: Dr. Mohammed Hussain Ahmad (MCW member) from Brunei Darussalam reported: The new moon was not sighted from Brunei (4� 55' North and 114� 55' East) in the evening of Monday, 8 July 2013 as expected. This was officially announced through the National TV and Radio stations. Therefore, tomorrow, Tuesday, 9 July 2013 is the completion of 30 days for the month of Shaban. Hence, the 1st of Ramadan 1434 will commence on Wednesday, 10 July 2013.
      I would like to take this opportunity to wish Muslims across the world a very blessed Ramadan.

  • Canada:

    1. Not Seen: HiMY SYeD (MCW member) from Toronto, Ontario reported: Currently a massive thunderstorm is passing through the Greater Toronto Area resulting in flooding and power outage for hundreds of thousands. Due to complete overcast storm skies, looking for the new moon was not possible tonight. Therefore this is a negative moonsighting report from Downtown Toronto Canada due to overcast skies from the Storm, for Monday July 8 2013.

    2. Not Seen: Hilal ibn Muhammad (MCW member) from Calgary Alberta reported: I went to sight the moon with another brother at around 8:45pm until 9:45pm MST time in Calgary Alberta Canada. We were using 8x25 and 7x50 binoculars, atmospheric conditions were partly cloudy with low level fog/haze on the horizon, there were breaks in the cloud but with the sun low on the horizon the sky was too bright to see the moon. InshaAllah Ramadhan 1434AH will begin on Wednesday July 10th, 2013.

    3. Not Seen: The British Columbia Muslim Association from Vancouver, BC reported: The BC Muslim Association is announcing that the beginning of Ramadan will be on Wednesday July 10th, 2013. It has been confirmed with various reliable sources that the crescent of Ramadan has NOT been sighted and therefore the Taraweeh will be prayed starting tomorrow evening, with Siyam to begin Wednesday.

  • Chile:

    1. Not Seen: Muhammad Sohail (MCW member) from Iquique reported: Salam! In chile the moon of Ramadan is not seen so here on 10/07/2103 will be the first of Ramadan.

  • China:

    1. Not Seen, BUT some mosques decided by calculations of visibility somewhere in the world,: Dr. Musa�Minhai (MCW member) from Wuzhong City reported: According to crescent moon visibility of Ramadam 1434 AH,I know that crescengt will not be seen today, July 8 in China, but I try to see crescent from 12:24 to 12:50(UT) in Wuzhong City (latitude:"38:28N", longitude:"106:16E"), Ningxia province. I did not see the crescent.
      However, according to criteria that the new moon was already born at 15:14 Beijing time and following New Macca Calender, and China traditional calender, most mosques have dicided that July 9, 2013 is first day of Ramadam. Some mosques dicided that July 10, 2013 is first day of Ramadam. So far, there is no authoritative authority like Figh councel about crescent and Ramadam in China.

  • Dominican Republic:

    1. Not Seen: Ahmad Abdul Haqq (MCW member) from Santo Domingo reported: The new crescent moon for the month of Ramadan was not seen in the Dominican Republic. The skies were covered in all directions with rainclouds with scattered showers. One brother, member of Dominican Islamic Entity in the city of Hig�ey was observing and there was zero visibility. We add 30 days to the month of Sha'ban. The 1st day of Ramadan 1434H will be on Wednesday, 10th of July 2013 CE. Ramadan Mubarak!!!

  • French Polynesia (Tahiti):

    1. Seen: Mecca Hijri Calendar ( reported: On Monday, 8th July 2013 the moon was seen and photograhed in Tahiti, French Polynesia.

  • Guyana:

    1. Not Seen: Dr. Muhammad Hafiz (MCW member) from Rose Hall Town, Berbice, reported: Due to numerous rainy clouds on the western horizon at Rose Hall Town Masjid, Hilaal observation was made impossible at sunset. The Hilaal was not seen in Guyana and the first day of fasting for the majority of Muslims will be on Wednesday, 10th July, 2013 after completing 30 days of Shawwal and using the Hilaal visibility curves as a guide.

  • India:

    1. Not Seen: Syed Thanveer Peeran (MCW member) from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu reported: Moon was not sighted so far i.e. on 8th July 2013, anywhere in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.

    2. Not Seen: M. Siddik Nadvi (MCW member) from Ahmedabad, Gujrat reported: Today, Monday 8th July, 2013 = 28 Shaban. 1434, we tried to see the crescent of Ramdhan 1434 Hijri at our Institute JAMIA KANZUL ULOOM at 7:30 pm. The cresent was not seen and there is no possitive report of sighting from all over India.

  • Indonesia:

    1. Not Seen: AR Sugeng Riyadi (MCW member) from Assalaam Observatory, Surakarta Central Java reported: On July 8, new crescent of Ramadhan 1434 AH was NOT SEEN from Assalaam Observatory, Surakarta Central Java and neither all observer from Indonesia. Indonesian Goverment statement (insha Allah) that Sha'ban will complete 30 days and 1 Ramadhan 1434 AH will be on Wednesday, 10 July 2013.

  • Malaysia:

    1. Not Seen: Samer Helmy from Malaysia reported: Malaysia has switched from practice of calculations based decision to local sighting since from last year, and they announced Monday, July 8, that they could not see the crescent this evening and therefore Ramadhan will officially start on Wednesday July 10th, 2013.

  • Maldives:

    1. 30 days completion: Iyaz Jadulla Naseem from Maldives reported: I am a member of Astronomical Committee, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Maldives. I am pleased to inform you that we have started Ramadan on 9th July 2013 after completing 30 days of Sha'ban.

  • Morocco:

    1. Not Seen: Khalid Chraibi (MCW member) from Casablanca reported: I'm pleased to inform you that the Moroccan authorities have announced this evening that the new moon crescent couldn't be observed Monday evening. Therefore, Ramadan begins in Morocco on Wednesday July 10, 2013.

  • Nigeria:

    1. Not Seen: Majolagbe Monsuru (MCW member) [The Mufti of Ikorodu], Lagos reported: On Monday, July 8, in the front of ikorodu town hall, I exhausted all endavour to sight the moon but not seen because weather was very cloudy.

    2. Not Seen: AbdulGhaniy Tajuddin MCW member) from Zaria, Kaduna State On Monday 8/7/2013=29/8/1434, I looked for the new crescent from 6.15pm to 8.50pm but the sky was cloudy & rainy til 10pm in Zaria, Nigeria. Ramadan to start July 10, as we count Sha'aban 30 days.

  • Saudi Arabia:

    1. Not Seen: Mrs. Lubna Shawly (MCW member) from Jiddah reported: Saudi Arabia has declared in its courts that the new moon was not seen in many regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and that month of Sha'ban will complete 30 days, and the 1st day of Ramadan 1434 Hijrah, will be corresponding to Wednesday the 10th of July the 2013.

  • South Africa:

    1. Not Seen: Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim (MCW member) from Cape Town reported: On Monday, July 8, negative sighting in Southern Africa (from all areas south of the equator) at the end of the 29th Shabaan. The 1st day of Ramadaan will correspond with Wed. 10 July 2013.

    2. Not Seen: Rashid Motala (MCW member) from Durban reported: On the evening of Monday 8th July 2013, the Hilaal was NOT sighted in South Africa. The 1st Ramadaan1434 corresponds to Wednesday, 10th July 2013.

  • Sri Lanka:

    1. Not Seen: Mr. Mohamed Shakir (MCW member) from Galle reported: I am informing you that the moon was not sighted so far i.e. on 8th July 2013, anywhere in Galle, Srilanka.

  • Tanzania:

    1. Not Seen: Hamza Rijal (MCW member) from Tiny Island of Zanzibar reported: Today is 28th of Shaaban in tiny island of Zanzibar corresponding to 8th of July 2013, Tuesday 9th it will be corresponding to the 29th of Shaaban.

  • Turkey:

    1. Not Seen: Muhammed Cevad Turan from Intanbul reported: On July 8, Monday in Istanbul/Beylikduzu seaside we tried to observe the Hilal via Celestron Telescope and naked eye but we could not see as expected.

  • UK:

    1. Not Seen: Saraj Qazi (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported: �Due to no accurate visible sighting of the moon in the U.K or any positive sighting from any Muslim country, including Morocco on the eve of 8th July 2013. We will therefore complete 30 days of Sha�baan. InshAllah 1st of Ramadhan Kareem will be observed on Wenesday 10th July 2013. The Markazi Jamaat's wish all of the Muslim Ummah a blessed Ramadhan Kareem..

    2. Not Seen: Mohammad Ali Javed (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported: Moon was not sighted in the UK, Morocco and other Muslim countries. We will complete 30 days of Shabaan. Insha'Allah 1st Ramadan will be on Wednesday 10 July 2013. - Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat UK.

    3. Not Seen: Qamar Uddin (MCW member) from York reported: On Monday 8 July 2013 (29 Shaban 1434 AH) many people from throughout the UK have attempted to sight the crescent moon (Hilal) of Shaban after sunset. None of the groups were able to sight the Hilal even though many places had clear sky conditions.
      We have not received any reliable sighting report (Muhaqaq-Ruyat-Basari) from east of the UK/Morocco either. Both the Jamiat-e-Ulama South Africa and Morocco Awqaf Ministry have reported negative sightings (see Morocco fax attached).
      Therefore, the Wifaq/Batley Ulama have decided that the month of Shaban 1434 AH will complete 30-days and the month of Ramadan 1434 AH will start from Wednesday 10 July 2013 (i.e. night of Tuesday 9 July), Insha-Allah.
      PS. We welcome the Saudi Supreme Court decision to start the holy month of Ramadan 1434 AH a day after their official Ummul Qura date, as per our request below (and that of many other ICOP members), Alhamdulillah.

  • USA:

    1. Not Seen: Imam Mir Omar Ali, Raleigh NC reported: From Raleigh NC Airport 6th Floor Parking; ther was excellent view of horizon (Partly cloudy) Negative sighting.

    2. Not Seen: Dr. Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) from Blacksburg VA reported: This evening (Monday, July 08, 2013), the crescent moon of Ramadan was not sighted in Blacksburg, VA (Lat: 37� 15' 40" N, Lng: 80� 26' 56" W, and elevation: 646 meters). The western horizon was mostly cloudy. I arrived at my sighting location at 8:45 pm EDT (sunset: 8:44 pm) and stayed there past moonset (moonset: 8:48 pm). At 8:55 pm, the temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and pressure were 73.4 F, 71.6 F, 94%, and 30.23 in, respectively.

    3. Not Seen: Khalid Yaseen (MCW member) from Detroit MI reported: Overcast in Detroit all day. No sighting. Most masajid are beginning Ramadhan on Wednesday after completing 30 days of Shabaan.

    4. Not Seen: Basel Salam from Seattle, WA reported: On July 8, at top of the hill @ Newcastle Golf Club (15500 6 Penny Ln, Newcastle, WA), we tried from 8:45pm till 9:08pm (till after sunset). Weather was very clear, except for some clouds crossing just one distant mountain peaks where the moon could've been. Equipment used: after failing to visually sight, attempted with two astronomical binoculars, 20x60 and 11x70. These same binoculars are powerful enough to show the "dark side" of a crescent moon. Location of moon: used a star map program as a guide, moon was supposed to be just in line with the sun, and just a few degrees south if it. Other witnesses: a friend and his wife were with me. Both of them also failed to see it with the naked eye and astronomical binoculars.

    5. Not Seen: Abdur Rahmaan Ali (MCW member) from San Bernardino CA reported: Hilal was not seen in San Bernardino, CA. Tuesday is our 1st taraweeh and Wednesday is our 1st fast.

  • Zimbabwe:

    1. Not Seen: Ayub Mahomed (MCW member) from Harare reported: Moon not sighted in Zimbabwe.1st Ramadan will start on Wednesday 10 July 2013.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013:

  • Australia:

    1. Seen: Abbas Aly (MCW member) from Annangrove NSW reported A very thin crescent was observed in Sydney - although very cloudy Br Mir Altaf and his sons sighted the moon standing atop a tall building and saw a very thin crescent just after sunset. Crescent was also sighted in Adelaide, Australia.

    2. Seen: Dr. Shabbir Ahmed (MCW member) Imam of Rooty Hill Mosque Sydney, NSW reported: On Tuesday, 9th July 2013, the Hilal of Ramadaan 1434 has been sighted in Sydney and Brisbane. Therefore, the Hilal Committee and Majlisul Ulama' of Australia have declared that the month of Ramadaan will commence as of Wednesday, 10th July 2013.

    3. Seen: Muhammad Khatree (MCW member), Brisbane, QL reported: On Tuesday 9 July 2013, the crescent was sighted at various locations with the naked eye. The weather conditions in Brisbane were partially clouding, making it visible in some parts only with a telescope. However, numerous naked eye sightings were confirmed around Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

    4. Not Seen: Engr Manzoor A Mian (MCW member) from Melbourne, VIC reported: We were unable to sight crescent in Melbourne today 9th July 2013 Tuesday evening as it was patchy cloudy. However It was sighted in Brisbane in Australia . Thus the first day of Ramadan 1434 AH will be tomorrow 10th July 2013 in Australia inshaaAllah.

  • Fiji Islands:

    1. Not Seen: M Shamim Ali (MCW member) from Samabula Suva reported: The fiji Muslim League advises its members that the Ramadan new moon has not been sighted on July 9, Tuesday anywhere in Fiji. Therefore Ramadan begins Thursday, July 11, 2013.

  • France:

    1. Not Seen: Rida Roty (MCW member) from Caen (Normandie) reported: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 is the 30th day of Cha'bane 1434 / H, the vision of the new moon being proved impossible to establish in France or in Muslim countries. The Mosque of Paris announces Ramadan for Wednesday, July 10

    2. Not Seen: Khalid Chraibi (MCW member) reported: You may be interested to learn that the new President of CFCM (Conseil Fran�ais du Culte Musulman), Dalil Boubakeur, who is also the Rector of the Mosque of Paris, and who took office a few weeks ago, announced today that the CFCM will not use the calendar based on astronomical calculations to determine the beginning of Ramadan, but will rely on crescent observation as is done in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim communities. Therefore, Ramadan in France will begin on Wednesday, July 10 and not on July 9, as previously announced by CFCM. Asked about the people who started the fast today, in application of the CFCM decision of 9 May 2013, Boubakeur said that both dates were legal, whether one started the fast on 9 July or 10 July.

      CFCM regroups all the major associations of the Muslim community of France. It was established by Nicholas Sarkozy when he was Minister of the Interior, to help develop an Islamic community in France that would be independent from foreign countries which were funding the Muslim groups in France (Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Morocco mainly). But there are other important associations of the Muslim community of France which remain independent from CFCM. Thus, I forgot to add in my earlier mail that the UOIF Union des Organizations Islamiques de France (Union of the Islamic Organizations of France) has just published an announcement that it maintains the date of Tuesday July 9 (today) as the first day of ramadan in France, in line with the decision taken by CFCM on 9 May 2013. In short, UOIF tells its members that Ramadan begins on 9 July 2013 and CFCM says it begins on 10 July.

  • India:

    1. Not Seen: M. Siddik Nadvi (MCW member) from Ahmedabad, Gujrat reported: Today Tuesday 9th July, 2013 = 29 Shaban. 1434, we tried to see the crescent of Ramdhan 1434 Hijri at our Institute JAMIA KANZUL ULOOM at 7.30 pm to8.15. The cresent was not seen

    2. Not Seen: Syed Thanveer Peeran (MCW member) from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu reported: Moon was not sighted so far i.e. on 9th July 2013, anywhere in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA. The skies are cloudy here today.

    3. Not Seen: Yusuf Idara (MCW member) from New Delhi reported: Today Tuesday 09, July 2013 = 29 Shabaan 1434 Hijri. I Yusuf Idara try to sight the Moon of The Month of Ramazan 1434 Hijri, at New Delhi, India at 07:15 pm to 07:45 pm horizon too cloudy and heavy raining during maghrib time so the moon was not sighted inshaAllah the month of Ramazan will start from 11th July 2013

    4. Not Seen: Dr. Syed Liyaquatullah Quadri (MCW member) from Parbhani reported: 9th July 2013 we tried to find the new crescent from 18.30 to 20.00 hrs here but the sky was thickly clouded, and it was raining so could NOT find the crescent. here in India our reliable friends in Bangalore and Chennai also told us that it was raining there so they had no report of moon sighting from any where by 21 hrs.

    5. Not Seen: Molvi Iqbalhusen Bokda (MCW member) from Godhra, Gujrat reported: Moon fo Ramadan was not seen here in Godhra . Weather was cloudy. My friends gave only negative sighting reports from many parts of Gujarat. Moon was not sighted in almost all parts of India. Hilal committees of states like Bihar, Bengal, Gujarat, Delhi, Panjab, Hyderabad, Kolkata and many other states have declared that the first day of Ramadan will be on Thursday. No positive sighting report yet.

  • Indonesia:

    1. Not Seen, But will follow Australia sighting Ahmad I. Adjie (MCW member) from Bandung reported: The Hilal was NOT SEEN today 9 July 2013 from outskirts of Purwakarta due to heavy storm clouds, but will follow Australia sighting as it is eastwards to us and of the same south hemisphere. Therefore for those who follow dating by moonsighting, tonight is first Tarawih and tomorrow July 10 will be first day of fasting. As it happens the Indonesian government has set the same date as well, Alhamdulillah.

    2. Not Seen: AR Sugeng Riyadi (MCW member) from Assalaam Observatory, Surakarta Central Java reported: On Tuesday, 9 July 2013 the new crescent of Ramadhan 1434 AH was NOT SEEN from Assalaam Observatory, Surakarta Central Java Indonesia, because the sky was totally cloudy.

  • Iran:

    1. Seen: Mostafa Fakhar (MCW member) from Esfahan reported: Moon crescent is seen, Tuesday 9 July 2013: Equipment: 8" vixen telescope, DSLR digital camera: Observers: Hosein mirez abadi, Leila Mirshamshirgaran, Hosein Mazrui, Hamed Lalezar, Mansur Shafiee and Mostafa fakhar.
      Location: N32:50, E52:24, Moon crescent was observed at 10:47a.m (before noon) for first time. To observe such a crescent telescope was alined in previous night to be sufficiently accurate. photo is taken at 11:09a.m. See photo on the right.

  • Malaysia:

    1. Seen: Firdaus Mazlan (MCW member) from Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia reported: On Tuesday, 9 th July 2013 M equal to 29 th Sha�ban 1434 H, Mr. Mohd Razib bin Mohd Aris and Mr. Abdul Hayyi Amri bin Alias have seen the Hilal at Baitul Hilal, Teluk Kemang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia (02:26:43.0 N , 101:51:16.0 E) using Binocular (Nikon Action Binocular 16x50 CF) at 7.39 pm and also with naked eye at 7.41 pm.
      The Hilal ahs also been seen at Tanjung Bidara, Melaka (02� 15' N , 102� 15' E) by Mr. Muhammad Saif bin Sadali family and Mr. Hj. Bukhari family, at 7.51 pm.
      Our government announced that Wednesday July 9, 2013 is the first Ramadhan 1434 H.

  • Mauritius:

    1. Seen: Nissar Ahmad (MCW member) from Port Louis reported: Alhamdulillah the new moon of Ramadhan 1434 was easily visible around the Island today Tuesday 9 July 2013 after Sunset. First reported visibility by members of Jummah Masjid Hilaal Committee was at 17hr57 local time. Sunset was at 17hr44. SKY WAS CLEAR ALL OVER THE ISLAND. Hence 1st Taraweeh Prayers start tonight and Wednesday 10 July 2013 will be the 1st day of Ramadhan 1434.

  • New Zealand:

    1. Not Seen: Wajid reported: The Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand (FIANZ) has Just announced that the moon for the month of Ramadan HAS NOT been sighted today anywhere in the country so the first day of Ramadan will be Thursday 11 July 2013. Ramadan Kareem

  • Pakistan:

    1. Not Seen: Dr. Fahim Hashmi (MCW member) from Islamabad reported: Not sighted in Islamabad. It remained mostly cloudy.

    2. Not Seen: Rizwan Shah (MCW member) from Gujrat reported: Today 09 July Tuesday 2013 29 shabaan I and some friends from 15 places tried to see the moon, but all reports were negative. Mufti muneeb ur Rehman (Chief of Hilal Committee of Pakistan) annouced that 1st Ramadan will be on 11th July 2013.

    3. Not Seen: Hakeem Zafar Iqbal (MCW member) from Rawalpindi reported: Moon Sighted report from Hakeem Zafar Iqbal, Rawalpindi Pakistan: Today on Tuesday, 09 July 2013, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan the weather was cloudy so we can't see the moon, But we are few Muslims got some moon-sighting reports, and also have 30 days completed, So here we some Muslims in Pakistan will be Start Ramadan From Tomorrow.

    4. Not Seen: Asif Hussain (MCW member) from Hyderabad reported: The moon has not been sighted today on Tuesday 9th July 2013, 29th sha'ban 1434 hijra. Therefore the first of ramadhan will be on Thursday 11th July InshaALLAH. happy ramadhan e kareem to all.

    5. Not Seen: Talha Rafiq (MCW member) from Karachi reported: On Tuesday (July 09, 2013). I tried to see the moon in Karachi but couldn't saw it due to cloudy weather. Furthermore, It has been announced by Hilal Committee of Pakistan that moon has not been sighted anywhere in Pakistan therefore 1st Ramadan will be on Thursday, July 11, 2013. Ramadan Kareem to all!

    6. Not Seen: Mufti Sultan Alam (MCW member) from Karachi reported: Many hundred persons (Members of jamia-tur-Rasheed and my friends) tried to sight the moon at more than 59 places countrywide but could not sight. Many places were clear or little hazy. Negative sighting also announced officially and announced that Wednesday is 30th Shabaan and Thursday is 1st Ramadan 1434.

  • South Africa:

    1. Seen: Abe Parker (MCW member) from Cape Town reported: On Tuesday, Jluy 9, I viewed just before sunset at about 5.45pm. The sky was reasnoably clear with thin orangy haze. Sunset was at 5.52. I sighted moon at about 6.20pm. The horns were 4 oclock to just past 8 oclock. I stppoed viewing about 6.35 pm.

  • Sri Lanka:

    1. Seen: Mr. Mohamed Shakir (MCW member) from Galle reported: The new moon was not sighted by us in Galle on 9th July 2013, but according to hilal committee of All Ceylon Jam�iyathul Ulama(ACJU) the new moon has been sighted in many places in Srilanka and they have declared that the month of Ramadaan will commence as of Wednesday, 10th July 2013

    2. Seen: Nular Bary (MCW member) from Colombo reported: Today 29th of Sha'ban 1434H (09th of July 2013) evening Colombo western sky was partly cloudy I couldn't sight the moon from my normal Hilal sighting place. But Nimal Road Masjid Katheeb has sighted the Hilal on the western horizon as the the Nimal Rd Masjid is situated beside the Bambalapitiya (Colombo 04) beach and also some are from Kathankudi (East of SL) has witnessed the sighting of the new moon of Holy month of Ramadan. Alhamdulillah! Based on these naked eye sighting our Hilal Committee have declared to start the Holy month from tomorrow 10th of July Wednesday 2013 In sha Allah!

  • Tanzania:

    1. Seen: Yakub Matata (MCW member) from Dar-es-Salaam reported: Today 9th July 2013 I with a several muslims about 20 people saw the moon around 6:35pm to 6:57pm here in Dar es salaam Tanzania although there were a little bit of patches of cloud. And the orientation of the crescent was from 2'o'clock to 8 O'clock on a dial of an imaginary clock in the sky.

    2. Seen: Hamza Rijal (MCW member) from Tiny Island of Zanzibar reported: Alhamdulillah we have completed 29 days of the month of Shaaban, Crescent has been observed very clearly with naked eyes, tomorrow we shall begin fasting of Ramadhan correspond to 10th of July 2013. See photo on the right.

  • USA:

    1. Seen: Dr. Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) from Blacksburg VA reported: This evening (Tuesday, July 09, 2013), the crescent moon of Ramadan was sighted in Blacksburg, VA (Lat: 37� 15' 40" N, Lng: 80� 26' 56" W, and elevation: 646 meters). The western horizon was partly cloudy. I arrived at my sighting location around 7:35 pm EDT (sunset: 8:44 pm). Using a pair of binoculars (7X50), first, I sighted Venus at 7:43 pm. At 7:50 pm, I sighted the crescent through the binoculars. The crescent was very thin with the horns approximately at 2:00 and 5:30 O'clock (2:00;4:00;5:30). The picture of the western horizon was taken right after the disappearance of the crescent behind the clouds. Since the clouds were rolling in, I left the location prior to sunset (moonset: 9:24 pm). At 7:55 pm, the temperature, dew point, relative humidity, and pressure were 80.6 F, 69.8 F, 70%, and 30.17 in, respectively.

    2. Seen: Syed Akbar Ali Zaidi from Orlando FL reported: On July 9, Tuesday, the moon was easily visible to the naked eye. A photo was taken at 8:47pm near Orlando, Florida, that will be added soon.

    3. Seen: Khalil Homafar (MCW member) from Houston TX reported: On Tuesday July 9, 2013 in Houston Texas, I could see the Crescent at 8:42 pm. There were patches of clouds but MOON appeared between those patches. The orientation of the Crescent was from 12 O'clock to 7 O'clock. I did call others to see the moon too. I was able to see it till 8:45 pm which the patches of red clouds covered the moon.

    4. Seen: Shahryar Naqvi from Dallas TX reported: Crescent moon for Ramadan 2013 sighted in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A by Brother Syed Shahryar Mehdi Naqvi, on Tuesday, July 9, 2013. Ramadan Mubarak to all!

    5. Seen: Muzzammil Dadabhoy (MCW member) from Huntington Beach CA reported: On Tuesday, July 09, 2013, we (3 Muslims) saw the moon with some difficulty in Orange Hills, CA around 20:30. There were slight patches of clouds scattered, but none obstructing the western horizon. The moon appeared 20:37 in between those patches initially then descended below towards the horizon until we could no longer see it. We were able to see it until 20:48, when the moon became too faint for us to see. The orientation of the crescent was from 11:30 O'clock to 6:30 O'clock on a dial of an imaginary clock in the sky.

    6. Seen: Mirza Shahid Basravi (MCW member) from Irvine CA reported: I was able to sight the Ramadan Crescent in Irvine, Ca, USA on, Tuesday, July 09, 2013 at 8:12pm, first by using a 7 x 35 binocular then verifying the sighting wearing only my regular glasses. This sighting was done close to my house. Immediately, after I sighted the crescent, my wife and few other neighbors also witnessed the new crescent. I was finally able to get a good picture at 8:23 which I have attached.

    7. Seen: Mohammed Yahya Shaikh (MCW member) from Anaheim CA reported: The ramadhan moon was visible today (July 9th 2013) at 8:20 PM PST by naked eye and was visible until 8:40 PM PST in Anaheim, CA.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013:

OFFICIAL 1st Day of Ramadan in Different Countries

Tuesday, 9 July 2013:

  1. Bosnia and Hercegovina (Follow Turkey)
  2. Canada (Fiqh Council of North America/Islamic Society of North America OR follow news from other countries)
  3. China (Following
  4. Cosovo (Follow Turkey)
  5. Croatia (Follow Turkey)
  6. France (UOIF - Union des Organizations Islamiques de France [Union of the Islamic Organizations of France])
  7. Ireland (ECFR - European Council for Fatwa and Research, Dublin, Ireland: Altitude > 5�, elongation > 8� somehwre on the globe)
  8. Luxembourg (ECFR - European Council for Fatwa and Research, Dublin, Ireland: Altitude > 5�, elongation > 8� somehwre on the globe)
  9. Macedonia (Follow Turkey)
  10. Maldives (30 days completion - Official announcement from Ministry of Islamic Affairs)
  11. Montenegro (Follow Turkey)
  12. Russia (Official Announcement - Calculations)
  13. Serbia (Follow Turkey)
  14. Slovenia (Follow Turkey)
  15. Tunisia (Criteria of age, or altitude, or sunset-moonset lag)
  16. Turkey (Criteria were: Altitude > 5�, elongation > 8�) But this time, these criteria were not met; they follow birth of moon
  17. USA (FCNA/ISNA - Fiqh Council of N. America/Islamic Society of N. America) The criteria are Moon must be born before Sunset in Makkah, and moonset after sunset in Makkah. These criteria are not applicable for Eid-al-Adha, for which it is relied on Saudi Announcement of Hajj

Wednesday, 10 July 2013:

  1. Afghanistan (Follow Saudi)
  2. Albania (Follow Saudi)
  3. Algeria (Follow Saudi)
  4. Armenia (Follow Saudi)
  5. Austria (Follow Saudi)
  6. Azerbaijan (Follow Saudi)
  7. Bahrian (Follow Saudi)
  8. Bangladesh (Majority follow local sighting)
  9. Bangladesh (Some areas follow Saudi)
  10. Barbados (30 days completion)
  11. Belgium (Follow Saudi)
  12. Bolivia (Follow Saudi)
  13. Brunei (Local Sighting)
  14. Bulgaria (Follow Saudi)
  15. Canada (Toronto Hilal Committee)
  16. Chechnia (Follow Saudi)
  17. Chile (Local Sighting)
  18. China (Some groups - 30 days completion)
  19. Denmark (Follow Saudi)
  20. Egypt - Moon Born before sunset & moon sets at least 5 minutes after sunset
  21. Finland (Follow Saudi)
  22. France (CFCM - Conseil Fran�ais du Culte Musulman) Altitude > 5�, elongation > 8� []
  23. Georgia (Follow Saudi)
  24. Guyana (Local Sighting}
  25. Hungary (Follow Saudi)
  26. Iceland (Follow Saudi)
  27. Indonesia (30 days completion - Official Announcement)
  28. Iran (Local Sighting)
  29. Iraq (Follow Saudi)
  30. Ireland (Follow Saudi)
  31. Italy (Follow Saudi)
  32. Jordan (Follow Saudi)
  33. Kazakhstan (Follow Saudi)
  34. Kenya (Local Sighting)
  35. Kuwait (Follow Saudi)
  36. Kyrgizstan (Follow Saudi)
  37. Lebanon (Follow Saudi)
  38. Libya (Follow Saudi)
  39. Luxembourg (Follow Saudi)
  40. Madagascer (Local Sighting)
  41. Malawi (Local Sighting)
  42. Malaysia (30 days completion - Official Announcement)
  43. Mauritania (Follow Saudi)
  44. Mauritius (Local Sighting)
  45. Morocco (30 days completion)
  46. Mozambique (Local Sighting)
  47. Namibia (30 days completion)
  48. Netherlands (Follow Saudi)
  49. Nigeria (Announced)
  50. Norway (Decsion of Islamic Council of Norway according to agreed upon method, to follow annoncement from any Muslim country, and reject annoncement if they are before Calculations of easy sightabilty)
  51. Norway (Some follow Saudi)
  52. Oman (30 days completion)
  53. Palestine (Follow Saudi)
  54. Philippines (Follow Saudi)
  55. Poland (Calculation)
  56. Qatar (Follow Saudi)
  57. Romania (Follow Saudi)
  58. Russia (Follow Saudi)
  59. Saudi Arabia (30 days completion - Official Announcement)
  60. Serbia (Follow Turkey)
  61. South Africa (30 days completion)
  62. Spain (Follow Saudi)
  63. Sri Lanka (Local Sighting)
  64. Sudan (Follow Saudi)
  65. Suriname (News from Guyana if not seen in Suriname)
  66. Sweden (Follow Saudi)
  67. Switzerland (Follow Saudi)
  68. Syria (Follow Saudi)
  69. Taiwan (Follow Saudi)
  70. Tajikistan (Follow Saudi)
  71. Tanzania (Local sighting)
  72. Tatarstan (Follow Saudi)
  73. Trinidad & Tobago (Local Sighting)
  74. Turkmenistan (Follow Saudi)
  75. U.A.E. (Follow Saudi)
  76. UK (Follow Saudi) [Coordination Committee of Major Islamic Centres and Mosques of London]
  77. UK (30 days completion) [Wifaaqul ulama), (Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat], OR (Sighting from countries east of UK)
  78. USA (Local Sighting) [Shi'aa Community, Houston Hilal Committee, Chicago Hilal Committee]
  79. Uzbekistan (Follow Saudi)
  80. Yemen (Follow Saudi)
  81. Zambia (Local Sighting)
  82. Zimbabwe (30 days completion)

Thursday, 11 July 2013:

  1. Bangladesh (Majority follow local sighting)
  2. Fiji Islands (Local Sighting)
  3. India (30 days completion)
  4. New Zealand (30 days completion)
  5. Pakistan (Local Sighting)
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